
So far we have been focusing on using hypermedia to build Hypermedia-Driven Applications. In doing so we are following and taking advantage of the native network architecture of the web, and building a RESTful system, in the original sense of that term.

However, today, we should acknowledge that many web applications are often not built using this approach. Instead, they use a Single Page Application front end library such as React to build their application, and they interact with the server via a JSON API. This JSON API almost never uses hypermedia concepts. Rather JSON APIs tend to be Data APIs, that is, an API that simply returns structured domain data to the client without any hypermedia control information. The client itself must know how to interpret the JSON Data: what end points are associated with the data, how certain fields should be interpreted, and so on.

Now, believe it or not, we have been creating an API for Contact.app.

This may sound confusing to you: an API? We have just been creating a web application, with handlers that just return HTML.

How is that an API?

It turns out that Contact.app is, indeed, providing an API. It just happens to be a hypermedia API that a hypermedia client, that is, a browser, understands. We are building an API for the browser to interact with over HTTP, and, thanks to the magic of HTML and hypermedia, the browser doesn’t need to know anything about our hypermedia API beyond an entry point URL: all the actions and display information comes, self-contained, within the HTML responses.

Building RESTful web applications like this is so natural and simple that you might not think of it as an API at all, but we assure you, it is.

Hypermedia APIs & JSON Data APIs

So, we have a hypermedia API for Contact.app. Should we include a Data API for Contact.app as well?

Sure! The existence of a hypermedia API in no way means that you can’t also have a Data API. In fact, this is a common situation in traditional web applications: there is the “web application” that is entered through that entry point URL, say https://mywebapp.example.com/. And there is also a separate JSON API that is accessible through another URL, perhaps https://api.mywebapp.example.com/v1.

This is a perfectly reasonable way to split up the hypermedia interface to your application and the Data API you provide to other, non-hypermedia clients.

Why would you want to include a Data API along with a hypermedia API? Well, because non-hypermedia clients might also want to interact with your application as well.

For example:

For all of these use cases, a JSON Data API makes sense: in each case the API is not being consumed by a hypermedia client, so presenting an HTML-based hypermedia API would be inefficient and complicated for the client to deal with. A simple JSON Data API fits the bill for what we want and, as always, we recommend using the right tool for the job.

Differences Between Hypermedia APIs & Data APIs

Let’s accept for a moment that we are going to have a Data API for our application, in addition to our hypermedia API. At this point, some developers may be wondering: why have both? Why not have a single API, the JSON Data API, and have multiple clients use this one API to communicate with it?

Isn’t it redundant to have both types of APIs for our application?

This is a reasonable point: we do advocate having multiple APIs to your web application if necessary and, yes, this may lead to some redundancy in code. However, there are distinct advantages to both sorts of APIs and, even more so, distinct requirements for both sorts of APIs.

By supporting both of these types of APIs separately you can get the strengths of both, while keeping their varying styles of code and infrastructure needs cleanly split out.

Let’s contrast the needs of JSON APIs with Hypermedia APIs:


Hypermedia API

It must remain stable over time: you cannot change the API willy-nilly or you risk breaking clients that use the API and expect certain end points to behave in certain ways.

There is no need to remain stable over time: all URLs are discovered via HTML responses, so you can be much more aggressive in changing the shape of a hypermedia API.

It must be versioned: related to the first point, when you do make a major change, you need to version the API so that clients that are using the old API continue to work.

Versioning is not an issue, another strength of the hypermedia approach.

It should be rate limited: since data APIs are often used by other clients, not just your own internal web application, requests should be rate limited, often by user, in order to avoid a single client overloading the system.

Rate limiting probably isn’t as important beyond the prevention of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

It should be a general API: since the API is for all clients, not just for your web application, you should avoid specialized end points that are driven by your own application needs. Instead, the API should be general and expressive enough to satisfy as many potential client needs as possible.

The API can be very specific to your application needs: since it is designed only for your particular web application, and since the API is discovered through hypermedia, you can add and remove highly tuned end points for specific features or optimization needs in your application.

Authentication for these sorts of API is typically token based, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Authentication is typically managed through a session cookie established by a login page.

These two different types of APIs have different strengths and needs, so it makes sense to use both. The hypermedia approach can be used for your web application, allowing you to specialize the API for the “shape” of your application. The Data API approach can be used for other, non-hypermedia clients like mobile, integration partners, etc.

Note that by splitting these two APIs apart, you reduce the pressure to constantly change a general Data API to address application needs. Your Data API can focus on remaining stable and reliable, rather than requiring a new version with every added feature.

This is the key advantage of splitting your Data API from your Hypermedia API.

Adding a JSON Data API To Contact.app

Alright, so how are we going to add a JSON Data API to our application? One approach, popularized by the Ruby on Rails web framework, is to use the same URL endpoints as your hypermedia application, but use the HTTP Accept header to determine if the client wants a JSON representation or an HTML representation. The HTTP Accept header allows a client to specify what sort of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types, that is file types, it wants back from the server: JSON, HTML, text and so on.

So, if the client wanted a JSON representation of all contacts, they might issue a GET request that looks like this:

Accept: application/json

GET /contacts

A request for a JSON representation of all contacts

If we adopted this pattern then our request handler for /contacts/ would need to be updated to inspect this header and, depending on the value, return a JSON rather than HTML representation for the contacts. Ruby on Rails has support for this pattern baked into the framework, making it very easy to switch on the requested MIME type.

Unfortunately, our experience with this pattern has not been great, for reasons that should be clear given the differences we outlined between Data and hypermedia APIs: they have different needs and often take on very different “shapes”, and trying to pound them into the same set of URLs ends up creating a lot of tension in the application code.

Given the different needs of the two APIs and our experience managing multiple APIs like this, we think separating the two, and, therefore, breaking the JSON Data API out to its own set of URLs is the right choice. This will allow us to evolve the two APIs separately from one another, and give us room to improve each independently, in a manner consistent with their own individual strengths.

Picking a Root URL For Our API

Given that we are going to split our JSON Data API routes out from our regular hypermedia routes, where should we place them? One important consideration here is that we want to make sure that we can version our API cleanly in some way, regardless of the pattern we choose.

Looking around, a lot of places use a subdomain for their APIs, something like https://api.mywebapp.example.com and, in fact, often encode versioning in the subdomain: https://v1.api.mywebapp.example.com.

While this makes sense for large companies, it seems like a bit of overkill for our modest little Contact.app. Rather than using subdomains, which are a pain for local development, we will use sub-paths within the existing application:

If and when we decide to bump the API version, we can move to /api/v2 and so on.

This approach isn’t perfect, of course, but it will work for our simple application and can be adapted to a subdomain approach or various other methods at a later point, when our Contact.app has taken over the internet and we can afford a large team of API developers. :)

Our First JSON Endpoint: Listing All Contacts

Let’s add our first Data API endpoint. It will handle an HTTP GET request to /api/v1/contacts, and return a JSON list of all contacts in the system. In some ways it will look quite a bit like our initial code for the hypermedia route /contacts: we will load all the contacts from the contacts database and then render some text as a response.

We are also going to take advantage of a nice feature of Flask: if you simply return an object from a handler, it will serialize (that is, convert) that object into a JSON response. This makes it very easy to build simple JSON APIs in flask!

@app.route("/api/v1/contacts", methods=["GET"]) <1>
def json_contacts():
    contacts_set = Contact.all()
    contacts_dicts = [c.__dict__ for c in contacts_set] <2>
    return {"contacts": contacts_dicts} <3>

A JSON data API to return all contacts

  1. JSON API gets its own path, starting with /api.

  2. Convert the contacts array into an array of simple dictionary (map) objects.

  3. Return a dictionary that contains a contacts property of all the contacts.

This Python code might look a little foreign to you if you are not a Python developer, but all we are doing is converting our contacts into an array of simple name/value pairs and returning that array in an enclosing object as the contacts property. This object will be serialized into a JSON response automatically by Flask.

With this in place, if we make an HTTP GET request to /api/v1/contacts, we will see a response that looks something like this:

  "contacts": [
      "email": "carson@example.com",
      "errors": {},
      "first": "Carson",
      "id": 2,
      "last": "Gross",
      "phone": "123-456-7890"
      "email": "joe@example2.com",
      "errors": {},
      "first": "",
      "id": 3,
      "last": "",
      "phone": ""

Some sample data from our API

So, you can see, we now have a way to get a relatively simple JSON representation of our contacts via an HTTP request. Not perfect, but it’s a good start. It’s certainly good enough to write some basic automated scripts against. For example, you could use this Data API to:

Having this small JSON Data API opens up a lot of automation possibilities that would be messier to achieve with our existing hypermedia API.

Adding Contacts

Let’s move on to the next piece of functionality: the ability to add a new contact. Once again, our code is going to look similar in some ways to the code that we wrote for our normal web application. However, here we are also going to see the JSON API and the hypermedia API for our web application begin to obviously diverge.

In the web application, we needed a separate path, /contacts/new to host the HTML form for creating a new contact. In the web application we made the decision to issue a POST to that same path to keep things consistent.

In the case of the JSON API, there is no such path needed: the JSON API “just is”: it doesn’t need to provide any hypermedia representation for creating a new contact. You simply know where to issue a POST to create a contact — likely through some documentation provided about the API — and that’s it.

Because of that fact, we can put the “create” handler on the same path as the “list” handler: /api/v1/contacts, but have it respond only to HTTP POST requests.

The code here is relatively straightforward: populate a new contact with the information from the POST request, attempt to save it, and — if it is not successful — show error messages. Here is the code:

@app.route("/api/v1/contacts", methods=["POST"]) <1>
def json_contacts_new():
    c = Contact(None,
      request.form.get('email')) <2>
    if c.save(): <3>
        return c.__dict__
        return {"errors": c.errors}, 400 <4>

Adding contacts with our JSON API

  1. This handler is on the same path as the first one for our JSON API, but handles POST requests.

  2. We create a new Contact based on values submitted with the request.

  3. We attempt to save the contact and, if successful, render it as a JSON object.

  4. If the save is not successful, we render an object showing the errors, with a response code of 400 (Bad Request).

In some ways this is similar to our contacts_new() handler from our web application; we are creating the contact and attempting to save it. In other ways it is very different:

These sorts of differences, over time, build up and make the idea of keeping your JSON and hypermedia APIs on the same set of URLs less and less appealing.

Viewing Contact Details

Next, let’s make it possible for a JSON API client to download the details for a single contact. We will naturally use an HTTP GET for this functionality and will follow the convention we established for our regular web application, and put the path at /api/v1/contacts/<contact id>. So, for example, if you want to see the details of the contact with the id 42, you would issue an HTTP GET to /api/v1/contacts/42.

This code is quite simple:

@app.route("/api/v1/contacts/<contact_id>", methods=["GET"]) <1>
def json_contacts_view(contact_id=0):
    contact = Contact.find(contact_id) <2>
    return contact.__dict__ <3>

Getting the details of a contact in JSON

  1. Add a new GET route at the path we want to use for viewing contact details

  2. Look the contact up via the id passed in through the path

  3. Convert the contact to a dictionary, so it can be rendered as JSON response

Nothing too complicated: we look the contact up by the ID provided in the path to the controller. We then render it as JSON. You have to appreciate the simplicity of this code!

Next, let’s add updating and deleting a contact as well.

Updating & Deleting Contacts

As with the create contact API endpoint, because there is no HTML UI to produce for them, we can reuse the /api/v1/contacts/<contact id> path. We will use the PUT HTTP method for updating a contact and the DELETE method for deleting one.

Our update code is going to look nearly identical to the create handler, except that, rather than creating a new contact, we will look up the contact by ID and update its fields. In this sense we are just combining the code of the create handler and the detail view handler.

@app.route("/api/v1/contacts/<contact_id>", methods=["PUT"]) <1>
def json_contacts_edit(contact_id):
    c = Contact.find(contact_id) <2>
        request.form['email']) <3>
    if c.save(): <4>
        return c.__dict__
        return {"errors": c.errors}, 400

Updating a contact with our JSON API

  1. We handle PUT requests to the URL for a given contact.

  2. Look the contact up via the id passed in through the path.

  3. We update the contact’s data from the values included in the request.

  4. From here on the logic is identical to the json_contacts_create() handler.

Once again, thanks to the built-in functionality in Flask, simple to implement.

Let’s look at deleting a contact now. This turns out to be even simpler: as with the update handler we are going to look up the contact by id, and then, well, delete it. At that point we can return a simple JSON object indicating success.

@app.route("/api/v1/contacts/<contact_id>", methods=["DELETE"]) <1>
def json_contacts_delete(contact_id=0):
    contact = Contact.find(contact_id)
    contact.delete() <2>
    return jsonify({"success": True}) <3>

Deleting a contact with our JSON API

  1. We handle DELETE requests to the URL for a given contact.

  2. Look the contact up and invoke the delete() method on it.

  3. Return a simple JSON object indicating that the contact was successfully deleted.

And, with that, we have our simple little JSON Data API to live alongside our regular web application, nicely separated out from the main web application, so it can evolve separately as needed.

Additional Data API Considerations

Now, we would have a lot more to do if we wanted to make this a production ready JSON API. At minimum we would need to add:

These topics are beyond the scope of this book, but we’d like to focus on one in particular, authentication, in order to show the difference between our hypermedia and JSON API. In order to secure our application we need to add authentication, some mechanism for determining who a request is coming from, and also authorization, determining if they have the right to perform the request.

We will set authorization aside for now and consider only authentication.

Authentication in web applications

In the HTML web application world, authentication has traditionally been done via a login page that asks a user for their username (often their email) and a password. This password is then checked against a database of (hashed) passwords to establish that the user is who they say they are. If the password is correct, then a session cookie is established, indicating who the user is. This cookie is then sent with every request that the user makes to the web application, allowing the application to know which user is making a given request.

Nonetheless, cookies have proven extremely useful and so people tend not to complain about this aspect of them too much (We are not sure what our other options would be here!) An interesting example of pragmatism gone (relatively) right in web development.

In comparison with the standard web application approach to authentication, a JSON API will typically use some sort of token based authentication: an authentication token will be established via a mechanism like OAuth, and that authentication token will then be passed, often as an HTTP Header, with every request that a client makes.

At a high level this is similar to what happens in normal web application authentication: a token is established somehow and then that token is part of every request. However, in practice, the mechanics tend to be wildly different:

These differing mechanics for establishing authentication are yet another good reason for splitting up our JSON and hypermedia APIs.

The “Shape” of Our Two APIs

When we were building out our API, we noted that in many cases the JSON API didn’t require as many end points as our hypermedia API did: we didn’t need a /contacts/new handler, for example, to provide a hypermedia representation for creating contacts.

Another aspect of our hypermedia API to consider was the performance improvement we made: we pulled the total contact count out to a separate endpoint and implemented the “Lazy Load” pattern, to improve the perceived performance of our application.

Now, if we had both our hypermedia and JSON API sharing the same paths, would we want to publish this API as a JSON endpoint as well?

Maybe, but maybe not. This was a pretty specific need for our web application, and, absent a request from a user of our JSON API, it doesn’t make sense to include it for JSON consumers.

And what if, by some miracle, the performance issues with Contact.count() that we were addressing with the Lazy Load pattern goes away? Well, in our Hypermedia-Driven Application we can simply revert to the old code and include the count directly in the request to /contacts. We can remove the contacts/count endpoint and all the logic associated with it. Because of the uniform interface of hypermedia, the system will continue to work just fine.

But what if we had tied our JSON API and hypermedia API together, and published /contacts/count as a supported end point for our JSON API? In that case we couldn’t simply remove the endpoint: a (non-hypermedia) client might be relying on it.

Once again you can see the flexibility of the hypermedia approach and why separating your JSON API out from your hypermedia API lets you take maximum advantage of that flexibility.

The Model View Controller (MVC) Paradigm

One thing you may have noticed about the handlers for our JSON API is that they are relatively simple and regular. Most of the hard work of updating data and so forth is done within the contact model itself: the handlers act as simple connectors that provide a go-between the HTTP requests and the model.

This is the ideal controller of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm that was so popular in the early web: a controller should be “thin”, with the model containing the majority of the logic in the system.

Thin controllers make it easy to split your JSON and hypermedia APIs out, because all the important logic lives in the domain model that is shared by both. This allows you to evolve both separately, while still keeping logic in sync with one another.

With properly built “thin” controllers and “fat” models, keeping two separate APIs both in sync and yet still evolving separately is not as difficult or as crazy as it might sound.

HTML Notes: Microformats

Microformats is a standard for embedding machine-readable structured data in HTML. It uses classes to mark certain elements as containing information to be extracted, with conventions for extracting common properties like name, URL and photo without classes. By adding these classes into the HTML representation of an object, we allow the properties of the object to be recovered from the HTML. For example, this simple HTML:

<a class="h-card" href="https://john.example">
  <img src="john.jpg" alt=""> John Doe

can be parsed into this JSON-like structure by a microformats parser:

  "type": ["h-card"],
  "properties": {
    "name": ["John Doe"],
    "photo": ["john.jpg"],
    "url": ["https://john.example"]

Using a variety of properties and nested objects, we could mark up every bit of information about a contact, for example, in a machine-readable way.

As explained in the above chapter, trying to use the same mechanism for human and machine interaction is not a good idea. Your human-facing and machine-facing interfaces may end up being limited by each other. If you want to expose domain-specific data and actions to users and developers, a JSON API is a great option.

However, microformats are way easier to adopt. A protocol or standard that requires websites to implement a JSON API has a high technical barrier. In comparison, any website can be augmented with microformats simply by adding a few classes. Other HTML-embedded data formats like microdata, Open Graph are similarly easy to adopt. This makes microformats useful for cross-website (dare we say web-scale) systems like the IndieWeb, which uses it pervasively.