A Dynamic Archive UI


Contact.app has come a long way from a traditional web 1.0-style web application: we’ve added active search, bulk delete, some nice animations, and a slew of other features. We have reached a level of interactivity that most web developers would assume requires some sort of Single-Page Application JavaScript framework, but we’ve done it using htmx-powered hypermedia instead.

Let’s look at how we can add a final significant feature to Contact.app: downloading an archive of all the contacts.

From a hypermedia perspective, downloading a file isn’t exactly rocket science: using the HTTP Content-Disposition response header, we can easily tell the browser to download and save a file to the local computer.

However, let’s make this problem more interesting: let’s add in the fact that the export can take a bit of time, from five to ten seconds, or sometimes even longer, to complete.

This means that if we implemented the download as a “normal” HTTP request, driven by a link or a button, the user might sit with very little visual feedback, wondering if the download is actually happening, while the export is being completed. They might even give up in frustration and click the download hypermedia control again, causing a second archive request. Not good.

This turns out to be a classic problem in web app development. When faced with potentially long-running process like this, we ultimately have two options:

Blocking and waiting for the action to complete is certainly the simpler way to handle it, but it can be a bad user experience, especially if the action takes a while to complete. If you’ve ever clicked on something in a web 1.0-style application and then had to sit there for what seems like an eternity before anything happens, you’ve seen the practical results of this choice.

The second option, starting the action asynchronously (say, by creating a thread, or submitting it to a job runner system) is much nicer from a user experience perspective: the server can respond immediately and the user doesn’t need to sit there wondering what’s going on.

But the question is, what do you respond with? The job probably isn’t complete yet, so you can’t provide a link to the results.

We have seen a few different “simple” approaches in this scenario in various web applications:

All of these will work, but none of them is a great user experience.

What we’d really like in this scenario is something more like what you see when, for example, you download a large file via the browser: a nice progress bar indicating where in the process you are, and, when the process is complete, a link to click immediately to view the result of the process.

This may sound like something impossible to implement with hypermedia, and, to be honest, we’ll need to push htmx pretty hard to make this all work, but, when it is done, it won’t be that much code, and we will be able to achieve the user experience we want for this archiving feature.

UI Requirements

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s discuss in broad terms what our new UI should look like: we want a button in the application labeled “Download Contact Archive.” When a user clicks on that button, we want to replace that button with a UI that shows the progress of the archiving process, ideally with a progress bar. As the archive job makes progress, we want to move the progress bar along towards completion. Then, when the archive job is done, we want to show a link to the user to download the contact archive file.

In order to actually do the archiving, we are going to use a python class, Archiver, that implements all the functionality that we need. As with the Contact class, we aren’t going to go into the implementation details of Archiver, because that’s beyond the scope of this book. For now you just need to know is that it provides all the server-side behavior necessary to start a contact archive process and get the results when that process is done.

Archiver gives us the following methods to work with:

A fairly uncomplicated API.

The only somewhat tricky aspect to the whole API is that the run() method is non-blocking. This means that it does not immediately create the archive file, but rather it starts a background job (as a thread) to do the actual archiving. This can be confusing if you aren’t used to multithreading in code: you might be expecting the run() method to “block”, that is, to actually execute the entire export and only return when it is finished. But, if it did that, we wouldn’t be able to start the archive process and immediately render our desired archive progress UI.

Beginning Our Implementation

We now have everything we need to begin implementing our UI: a reasonable outline of what it is going to look like, and the domain logic to support it.

So, to start, note that this UI is largely self-contained: we want to replace the button with the download progress bar, and then the progress bar with a link to download the results of the completed archive process.

The fact that our archive user interface is all going to be within a specific part of the UI is a strong hint that we will want to create a new template to handle it. Let’s call this template archive_ui.html.

Also note that we are going to want to replace the entire download UI in multiple cases:

To update the UI in this way, we need to set a good target for the updates. So, let’s wrap the entire UI in a div tag, and then use that div as the target for all our operations.

Here is the start of the template for our new archive user interface:

<div id="archive-ui"
  hx-target="this" <1>
  hx-swap="outerHTML"> <2>

Our initial archive UI template

  1. This div will be the target for all elements within it.

  2. Replace the entire div every time using outerHTML.

Next, lets add the “Download Contact Archive” button to the div that will kick off the archive-then-download process. We’ll use a POST to the path /contacts/archive to trigger the start of the archiving process:

<div id="archive-ui" hx-target="this" hx-swap="outerHTML">
  <button hx-post="/contacts/archive"> <1>
    Download Contact Archive

Adding the archive button

  1. This button will issue a POST to /contacts/archive.

Finally, let’s include this new template in our main index.html template, above the contacts table:

{% block content %}
  {% include 'archive_ui.html' %} <1>

  <form action="/contacts" method="get" class="tool-bar">

Our initial archive UI template

  1. This template will now be included in the main template.

With that done, we now have a button showing up in our web application to get the download going. Since the enclosing div has an hx-target="this" on it, the button will inherit that target and replace that enclosing div with whatever HTML comes back from the POST to /contacts/archive.

Adding the Archiving Endpoint

Our next step is to handle the POST that our button is making. We want to get the Archiver for the current user and invoke the run() method on it. This will start the archive process running. Then we will render some new content indicating that the process is running.

To do that, we want to reuse the archive_ui template to handle rendering the archive UI for both states, when the archiver is “Waiting” and when it is “Running.” (We will handle the “Complete” state in a bit).

This is a very common pattern: we put all the different potential UIs for a given chunk of the user interface into a single template, and conditionally render the appropriate interface. By keeping everything in one file, it makes it much easier for other developers (or for us, if we come back after a while!) to understand exactly how the UI works on the client side.

Since we are going to conditionally render different user interfaces based on the state of the archiver, we will need to pass the archiver out to the template as a parameter. So, again: we need to invoke run() on the archiver in our controller and then pass the archiver along to the template, so it can render the UI appropriate for the current status of the archive process.

Here is what the code looks like:

@app.route("/contacts/archive", methods=["POST"]) <1>
def start_archive():
    archiver = Archiver.get() <2>
    archiver.run() <3>
    return render_template("archive_ui.html", archiver=archiver) <4>

Server-side code to start the archive process

  1. Handle POST to /contacts/archive.

  2. Look up the Archiver.

  3. Invoke the non-blocking run() method on it.

  4. Render the archive_ui.html template, passing in the archiver.

Conditionally Rendering A Progress UI

Now let’s turn our attention to updating our archiving UI by setting archive_ui.html to conditionally render different content depending on the state of the archive process.

Recall that the archiver has a status() method. When we pass the archiver through as a variable to the template, we can consult this status() method to see the status of the archive process.

If the archiver has the status Waiting, we want to render the “Download Contact Archive” button. If the status is Running, we want to render a message indicating that progress is happening. Let’s update our template code to do just that:

<div id="archive-ui" hx-target="this" hx-swap="outerHTML">
  {% if archiver.status() == "Waiting" %} <1>
    <button hx-post="/contacts/archive">
      Download Contact Archive
  {% elif archiver.status() == "Running" %} <2>
    Running... <3>
  {% endif %}

Adding conditional rendering

  1. Only render the archive button if the status is “Waiting.”

  2. Render different content when status is “Running.”

  3. For now, just some text saying the process is running.

OK, great, we have some conditional logic in our template view, and the server-side logic to support kicking off the archive process. We don’t have a progress bar yet, but we’ll get there! Let’s see how this works as it stands, and refresh the main page of our application…​

jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'archiver' is undefined

Something Went Wrong


We get an error message right out of the box. Why? Ah, we are including the archive_ui.html in the index.html template, but now the archive_ui.html template expects the archiver to be passed through to it, so it can conditionally render the correct UI.

That’s an easy fix: we just need to pass the archiver through when we render the index.html template as well:

def contacts():
    search = request.args.get("q")
    if search is not None:
        contacts_set = Contact.search(search)
        if request.headers.get('HX-Trigger') == 'search':
            return render_template("rows.html", contacts=contacts_set)
        contacts_set = Contact.all()
    return render_template("index.html",
      contacts=contacts_set, archiver=Archiver.get()) <1>

Including the archiver when we render index.html

  1. Pass through archiver to the main template

Now with that done, we can load up the page. And, sure enough, we can see the “Download Contact Archive” button.

When we click on it, the button is replaced with the content “Running…​”, and we can see in our development console on the server-side that the job is indeed getting kicked off properly.


That’s definitely progress, but we don’t exactly have the best progress indicator here: just some static text telling the user that the process is running.

We want to make the content update as the process makes progress and, ideally, show a progress bar indicating how far along it is. How can we do that in htmx using plain old hypermedia?

The technique we want to use here is called “polling”, where we issue a request on an interval and update the UI based on the new state of the server.

Htmx offers two types of polling. The first is “fixed rate polling”, which uses a special hx-trigger syntax to indicate that something should be polled on a fixed interval.

Here is an example:

<div hx-get="/messages" hx-trigger="every 3s"> <1>

Fixed interval polling

  1. Trigger a GET to /messages every three seconds.

This works great in situations when you want to poll indefinitely, for example if you want to constantly poll for new messages to display to the user. However, fixed rate polling isn’t ideal when you have a definite process after which you want to stop polling: it keeps polling forever, until the element it is on is removed from the DOM.

In our case, we have a definite process with an ending to it. So, it will be better to use the second polling technique, known as “load polling.” In load polling, we take advantage of the fact that htmx triggers a load event when content is loaded into the DOM. We can create a trigger on this load event, and add a bit of a delay so that the request doesn’t trigger immediately.

With this, we can conditionally render the hx-trigger on every request: when a process has completed we simply do not include the load trigger, and the load polling stops. This offers a nice and simple way to poll until a definite process finishes.

Using Polling To Update The Archive UI

Let’s use load polling to update our UI as the archiver makes progress. To show the progress, let’s use a CSS-based progress bar, taking advantage of the progress() method which returns a number between 0 and 1 indicating how close the archive process is to completion.

Here is the snippet of HTML we will use:

<div class="progress">
    <div class="progress-bar"
         style="width:{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}%"></div> <1>

A CSS-based progress bar

  1. The width of the inner element corresponds to the progress.

This CSS-based progress bar has two components: an outer div that provides the wire frame for the progress bar, and an inner div that is the actual progress bar indicator. We set the width of the inner progress bar to some percentage (note we need to multiply the progress() result by 100 to get a percentage) and that will make the progress indicator the appropriate width within the parent div.

Let’s update our progress bar to have the proper ARIA roles and values:

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar"
    role="progressbar" <1>
    aria-valuenow="{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}" <2>
    style="width:{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}%"></div>

A CSS-based progress bar

  1. This element will act as a progress bar

  2. The progress will be the percentage completeness of the archiver, with 100 indicating fully complete

Finally, for completeness, here is the CSS we’ll use for this progress bar:

.progress {
    height: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    overflow: hidden;
    background-color: #f5f5f5;
    border-radius: 4px;
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1);

.progress-bar {
    float: left;
    width: 0%;
    height: 100%;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 20px;
    color: #fff;
    text-align: center;
    background-color: #337ab7;
    box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15);
    transition: width .6s ease;

The CSS for our progress bar

Our CSS-Based Progress Bar, as implemented in [lst]:progress-bar-css

Adding The Progress Bar UI

Let’s add the code for our progress bar into our archive_ui.html template for the case when the archiver is running, and let’s update the copy to say “Creating Archive…​”:

<div id="archive-ui" hx-target="this" hx-swap="outerHTML">
  {% if archiver.status() == "Waiting" %}
    <button hx-post="/contacts/archive">
      Download Contact Archive
  {% elif archiver.status() == "Running" %}
      Creating Archive...
      <div class="progress"> <1>
        <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"
          aria-valuenow="{{ archiver.progress() * 100}}"
          style="width:{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}%"></div>
  {% endif %}

Adding the progress bar

  1. Our shiny new progress bar

Now when we click the “Download Contact Archive” button, we get the progress bar. But it still doesn’t update because we haven’t implemented load polling yet: it just sits there, at zero.

To get the progress bar updating dynamically, we’ll need to implement load polling using hx-trigger. We can add this to pretty much any element inside the conditional block for when the archiver is running, so let’s add it to that div that is wrapping around the “Creating Archive…​” text and the progress bar.

Let’s make it poll by issuing an HTTP GET to the same path as the POST: /contacts/archive.

<div id="archive-ui" hx-target="this" hx-swap="outerHTML">
  {% if archiver.status() == "Waiting" %}
    <button hx-post="/contacts/archive">
      Download Contact Archive
  {% elif archiver.status() == "Running" %}
    <div hx-get="/contacts/archive" hx-trigger="load delay:500ms"> <1>
      Creating Archive...
      <div class="progress" >
        <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"
          aria-valuenow="{{ archiver.progress() * 100}}"
          style="width:{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}%"></div>
  {% endif %}

Implementing load polling

  1. Issue a GET to /contacts/archive 500 milliseconds after the content loads.

When this GET is issued to /contacts/archive, it is going to replace the div with the id archive-ui, not just itself. The hx-target attribute on the div with the id archive-ui is inherited by all child elements within that div, so the children will all target that outermost div in the archive_ui.html file.

Now we need to handle the GET to /contacts/archive on the server. Thankfully, this is quite easy: all we want to do is re-render archive_ui.html with the archiver:

@app.route("/contacts/archive", methods=["GET"]) <1>
def archive_status():
    archiver = Archiver.get()
    return render_template("archive_ui.html", archiver=archiver) <2>

Handling progress updates

  1. handle GET to the /contacts/archive path

  2. just re-render the archive_ui.html template

Like so much else with hypermedia, the code is very readable and not complicated.

Now, when we click the “Download Contact Archive”, sure enough, we get a progress bar that updates every 500 milliseconds. As the result of the call to archiver.progress() incrementally updates from 0 to 1, the progress bar moves across the screen for us. Very cool!

Downloading The Result

We have one final state to handle, the case when archiver.status() is set to “Complete”, and there is a JSON archive of the data ready to download. When the archiver is complete, we can get the local JSON file on the server from the archiver via the archive_file() call.

Let’s add another case to our if statement to handle the “Complete” state, and, when the archive job is complete, lets render a link to a new path, /contacts/archive/file, which will respond with the archived JSON file. Here is the new code:

<div id="archive-ui" hx-target="this" hx-swap="outerHTML">
  {% if archiver.status() == "Waiting" %}
    <button hx-post="/contacts/archive">
      Download Contact Archive
  {% elif archiver.status() == "Running" %}
    <div hx-get="/contacts/archive" hx-trigger="load delay:500ms">
      Creating Archive...
      <div class="progress" >
        <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"
          aria-valuenow="{{ archiver.progress() * 100}}"
          style="width:{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}%"></div>
  {% elif archiver.status() == "Complete" %} <1>
    <a hx-boost="false" href="/contacts/archive/file">
      Archive Ready! Click here to download. &downarrow;
    </a> <2>
  {% endif %}

Rendering A Download Link When Archiving Completes

  1. If the status is “Complete”, render a download link.

  2. The link will issue a GET to /contacts/archive/file.

Note that the link has hx-boost set to false. It has this so that the link will not inherit the boost behavior that is present for other links and, thus, will not be issued via AJAX. We want this “normal” link behavior because an AJAX request cannot download a file directly, whereas a plain anchor tag can.

Downloading The Completed Archive

The final step is to handle the GET request to /contacts/archive/file. We want to send the file that the archiver created down to the client. We are in luck: Flask has a mechanism for sending a file as a downloaded response, the send_file() method.

As you see in the code that follows, we pass three arguments to send_file(): the path to the archive file that the archiver created, the name of the file that we want the browser to create, and if we want it sent “as an attachment.” This last argument tells Flask to set the HTTP response header Content-Disposition to attachment with the given filename; this is what triggers the browser’s file-downloading behavior.

@app.route("/contacts/archive/file", methods=["GET"])
def archive_content():
    manager = Archiver.get()
    return send_file(
      manager.archive_file(), "archive.json", as_attachment=True) <1>

Sending A File To The Client

  1. Send the file to the client via Flask’s send_file() method.

Perfect. Now we have an archive UI that is very slick. You click the “Download Contacts Archive” button and a progress bar appears. When the progress bar reaches 100%, it disappears and a link to download the archive file appears. The user can then click on that link and download their archive.

We’re offering a user experience that is much more user-friendly than the common click-and-wait experience of many websites.

Smoothing Things Out: Animations in Htmx

As nice as this UI is, there is one minor annoyance: as the progress bar updates it “jumps” from one position to the next. This feels a bit like a full page refresh in web 1.0 style applications. Is there a way we can fix this? (Obviously there is, this why we went with a div rather than a progress element!)

Let’s walk through the cause of this visual problem and how we might fix it. (If you’re in a hurry to get to an answer, feel free to jump ahead to “our solution.”)

It turns out that there is a native HTML technology for smoothing out changes on an element from one state to another: the CSS Transitions API, the same one that we discussed in Chapter 4. Using CSS Transitions, you can smoothly animate an element between different styling by using the transition property.

If you look back at our CSS definition of the .progress-bar class, you will see the following transition definition: transition: width .6s ease;. This means that when the width of the progress bar is changed from, say 20% to 30%, the browser will animate over a period of .6 seconds using the “ease” function (which has a nice accelerate/decelerate effect).

So why isn’t that transition being applied in our current UI? The reason is that, in our example, htmx is replacing the progress bar with a new one every time it polls. It isn’t updating the width of an existing element. CSS transitions, unfortunately, only apply when the properties of an existing element change inline, not when the element is replaced.

This is a reason why pure HTML-based applications can feel jerky and unpolished when compared with their SPA counterparts: it is hard to use CSS transitions without some JavaScript.

But there is some good news: htmx has a way to utilize CSS transitions even when it replaces content in the DOM.

The “Settling” Step in Htmx

When we discussed the htmx swap model in Chapter 4, we focused on the classes that htmx adds and removes, but we skipped over the process of “settling.” In htmx, settling involves several steps: when htmx is about to replace a chunk of content, it looks through the new content and finds all elements with an id on it. It then looks in the existing content for elements with the same id.

If there is one, it does the following somewhat elaborate shuffle:

So, what is this strange little dance supposed to achieve?

Well, if an element has a stable id between swaps, you can now write CSS transitions between various states. Since the new content briefly has the old attributes, the normal CSS transition mechanism will kick in when the actual values are restored.

Our Smoothing Solution

So, we arrive at our fix.

All we need to do is add a stable ID to our progress-bar element.

<div class="progress" >
    <div id="archive-progress" class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"
         aria-valuenow="{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}"
         style="width:{{ archiver.progress() * 100 }}%"></div> <1>

Smoothing things out

  1. The progress bar div now has a stable id across requests.

Despite the complicated mechanics going on behind the scenes in htmx, the solution is as simple as adding a stable id attribute to the element we want to animate.

Now, rather than jumping on every update, the progress bar should smoothly move across the screen as it is updating, using the CSS transition defined in our style sheet. The htmx swapping model allows us to achieve this even though we are replacing the content with new HTML.

And voila: we have a nice, smoothly animated progress bar for our contact archiving feature. The result has the look and feel of a JavaScript-based solution, but we did it with the simplicity of an HTML-based approach.

Now that, dear reader, does spark joy.

Dismissing The Download UI

Some users may change their mind, and decide not to download the archive. They may never witness our glorious progress bar, but that’s OK. We’re going to give these users a button to dismiss the download link and return to the original export UI state.

To do this, we’ll add a button that issues a DELETE to the path /contacts/archive, indicating that the current archive can be removed or cleaned up.

We’ll add it after the download link, like so:

<a hx-boost="false" href="/contacts/archive/file">
 Archive Ready! Click here to download. &downarrow;
<button hx-delete="/contacts/archive">Clear Download</button> <1>

Clearing the download

  1. A simple button that issues a DELETE to /contacts/archive.

Now the user has a button that they can click on to dismiss the archive download link. But we will need to hook it up on the server side. As usual, this is pretty straightforward: we create a new handler for the DELETE HTTP Action, invoke the reset() method on the archiver, and re-render the archive_ui.html template.

Since this button is picking up the same hx-target and hx-swap configuration as everything else, it “just works.”

Here is the server-side code:

@app.route("/contacts/archive", methods=["DELETE"])
def reset_archive():
    archiver = Archiver.get()
    archiver.reset() <1>
    return render_template("archive_ui.html", archiver=archiver)

The handler to reset the download

  1. Call reset() on the archiver

This looks pretty similar to our other handlers, doesn’t it?

Sure does! That’s the idea!

An Alternative UX: Auto-Download

While we prefer the current user experience for archiving contacts, there are other alternatives. Currently, a progress bar shows the progress of the process and, when it completes, the user is presented with a link to actually download the file. Another pattern that we see on the web is “auto-downloading”, where the file downloads immediately without the user needing to click a link.

We can add this functionality quite easily to our application with just a bit of scripting. We will discuss scripting in a Hypermedia-Driven Application in more depth in chapter 9, but, put briefly: scripting is perfectly acceptable in a HDA, as long as it doesn’t replace the core hypermedia mechanics of the application.

For our auto-download feature we will use _hyperscript, our preferred scripting option. JavaScript would also work here, and would be nearly as simple; again, we’ll discuss scripting options in detail in Chapter 9.

All we need to do to implement the auto-download feature is the following: when the download link renders, automatically click on the link for the user.

The _hyperscript code reads almost the same as the previous sentence (which is a major reason why we love hyperscript):

<a hx-boost="false" href="/contacts/archive/file"
  _="on load click() me"> <1>
  Archive Downloading! Click here if the download does not start.


  1. A bit of _hyperscript to make the file auto-download.

Crucially, the scripting here is simply enhancing the existing hypermedia, rather than replacing it with a non-hypermedia request. This is hypermedia-friendly scripting, as we will cover in more depth in a bit.

A Dynamic Archive UI: Complete

In this chapter we’ve managed to create a dynamic UI for our contact archive functionality, with a progress bar and auto-downloading, and we’ve done nearly all of it — with the exception of a small bit of scripting for auto-download — in pure hypermedia. It took about 16 lines of front end code and 16 lines of backend code to build the whole thing.

HTML, with a bit of help from a hypermedia-oriented JavaScript library such as htmx, can in fact be extremely powerful and expressive.

HTML Notes: Markdown soup

Markdown soup is the lesser known sibling of <div> soup. This is the result of web developers limiting themselves to the set of elements that the Markdown language provides shorthand for, even when these elements are incorrect. More seriously, it’s important to be aware of the full power of our tools, including HTML. Consider the following example of an IEEE-style citation:

[1] C.H. Gross, A. Stepinski, and D. Akşimşek, <1>
  _Hypermedia Systems_, <2>
  Bozeman, MT, USA: Big Sky Software.
  Available: <https://hypermedia.systems/>
  1. The reference number is written in brackets.

  2. Underscores around the book title creates an <em> element.

Here, <em> is used because it’s the only Markdown element that is presented in italics by default. This indicates that the book title is being stressed, but the purpose is to mark it as the title of a work. HTML has the <cite> element that’s intended for this exact purpose.

Furthermore, even though this is a numbered list perfect for the <ol> element, which Markdown supports, plain text is used for the reference numbers instead. Why could this be? The IEEE citation style requires that these numbers are presented in square brackets. This could be achieved on an <ol> with CSS, but Markdown doesn’t have a way to add a class to elements meaning the square brackets would apply to all ordered lists.

Don’t shy away from using embedded HTML in Markdown. For larger sites, also consider Markdown extensions.

{.ieee-reference-list} <1>
1. C.H. Gross, A. Stepinski, and D. Akşimşek, <2>
  <cite>Hypermedia Systems</cite>, <3>
  Bozeman, MT, USA: Big Sky Software.
  Available: <https://hypermedia.systems/>
  1. Many Markdown dialects let us add ids, classes and attributes using curly braces.

  2. We can now use the <ol> element, and create the brackets in CSS.

  3. We use <cite> to mark the title of the work being cited (not the whole citation!)

You can also use custom processors to produce extra-detailed HTML instead of writing it by hand:

{% reference_list %} <1>
[hypers2023]: <2>
  C.H. Gross, A. Stepinski, and D. Akşimşek, _Hypermedia Systems_,
  Bozeman, MT, USA: Big Sky Software, 2023.
  Available: <https://hypermedia.systems/>
{% end %}
  1. reference_list is a macro that will transform the plain text to highly-detailed HTML.

  2. A processor can also resolve identifiers, so we don’t have to manually keep the reference list in order and the in-text citations in sync.